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Air Quality

What Are the Benefits of Having an Air Purifier?

May 13, 2024 Happy House
As busy homeowners, we don’t often take the time to think about the air quality inside our homes. After all, what’s out of sight is usually out of mind. Yet, […]
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A woman with dry skin itching her arm.

How a Whole-Home Humidifier Works: Everything You Need to Know

October 3, 2023 Happy House
Have you ever stopped and wondered: How does a whole-home humidifier work? You’re not alone. Many homeowners want to understand the mechanisms behind this beneficial device, especially as we move […]
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A woman blowing her nose as she stands in front of a wall-mounted AC unit.

Can Your AC Make You Sick?

September 6, 2023 Happy House
The air conditioner, a remarkable invention, has made our lives cooler and more comfortable. But with these advantages comes an often unasked question: “Can your AC make you sick?” If […]
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Homeowner in Erlanger, KY, changing home air filter.

7 Signs That Your Home Air Filter is Past Its Prime

June 1, 2023 Happy House
When it comes to your home comfort, it’s easy to develop an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. One thing you should never forget? Checking for signs of a […]
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A family of four sitting up in a bed and blowing their noses due to poor IAQ.

Do Air Conditioners Improve Indoor Air Quality?

May 19, 2023 Happy House
During the sweltering summer months, many of us turn to our trusty central air conditioning systems to keep us comfortable indoors. While these AC units are undoubtedly known for their […]
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A woman cleaning window blinds with a cloth. She looks like she is about to sneeze.

Do Air Purifiers Help With Dust?

August 23, 2022 Happy House
If you have excessive dust in your home, you might find yourself cleaning it up — only for the problem to reappear the next day. While these recurring dust particles […]
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5 Tips to Control Indoor Humidity This Summer

August 12, 2020 Happy House
“It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity.” It’s an old saying, but it holds a lot of truth. High humidity can make any room feel stuffy, warm, and just plain […]
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The Culprits of Indoor Air

May 24, 2020 Happy House
Indoor air quality has been quite the hot topic lately. As homeowners across Indiana, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky take an interest in their indoor air quality, Arlinghaus is happy to […]
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5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Make Your Home a “Happy House”

April 14, 2020 Happy House
As fall ushers in cooler weather, we’ll spend more time in our homes. We often think the air in our homes is cleaner than the air outside, but that’s not […]
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Prepare Your Home for the Holidays with These Happy House HVAC Tips

November 15, 2018 Happy House
The holidays are finally here, bringing with them tidings of comfort and joy — and, for many people, plenty of holiday parties and family gatherings. If you will be doing […]
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